Rolley is a game where you are a small ball in a computer\digital world. You need to complete all of the levels in the best time that you can complete it in.
You move the ball around with the keyboard arrows you have to light up all of the platforms and they light up when you roll over them when you roll over them again they turn off.
There are twenty-four (24) levels in all you must try to finish them all in 999 seconds.
The enemies are:
1. A red skull that follows you around until you go to a certain square.
2. A red skull that repeats a pattern across squares.
3. A bomb that goes off after one second (it activates when you go onto the same square as it.)
4. A bomb that goes off after two seconds (it activates when you go onto the same square as it.)
5. In addition, falling off the sides is a bad thing.
=Moderator guy's rating=[]
8/10 As long as you don't get frustrated easily and have patience and a mind for puzzles. This is mostly a puzzle game.